User Manual

Using Avid Log Exchange to Prepare Log Files for Import
Using Drag-and-Drop Conversion for Log Files (Macintosh)
Use this shortcut to convert files into an ALE file.
If the log file is a Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, or a Tab Delimited shot log file, you cannot use
drag-and-drop conversion. Use the procedure in “Converting Log Files with Avid Log Exchange
(Macintosh)” on page 122) to convert files of this type.
To convert a log file by using drag-and-drop conversion:
1. Check the options that are set in the ALE utility.
See “Converting Log Files with Avid Log Exchange (Macintosh)” on page 122.
2. Navigate to and then open the folder that contains the Avid Log Exchange icon.
3. Open the folder that contains the files you want to convert, positioning the folder so the Avid
Log Exchange icon is visible.
4. Select the files you want to convert.
5. Drag the selected files to the Avid Log Exchange icon, and release the mouse button.
The system converts the files to Avid format and adds the .ale file name extension to the new
file names.
Viewing ASC Color Decision List (CDL) Parameters in
Avid Log Exchange
Avid Log Exchange can store ASC_SOP (American Society of Cinematographers Slope, Offset
and Power) and ASC_SAT (American Society of Cinematographers Saturation) parameters.
To view the ASC_SOP and ASC_SAT parameters in your Avid editing application:
1. With a bin in Text view, select Bin > Headings.
2. Click to select ASC_SOP and ASC_SAT.
3. Import the ALE file.
The ASC_SOP and ASC_SAT information appears in the appropriate bin column.
To view the ASC_SOP and ASC_SAT parameters in the EDL application:
1. With the sequence loaded in the Avid editing system, select Output > EDL.
2. In EDL Manager, select Windows > Options.
3. Select the Comments tab.
4. Enable the Color Decision List option.
5. Select File > Get Current Sequence.