User Manual

Understanding How Clips are Associated with Multiple Resolutions
To transcode a clip using your Avid editing application:
t Right click the clip in the bin and select Consolidate/Transcode.
To transcode a clip using the Interplay Transcode service, do one of the following:
t In Avid Interplay Access, right-click the clip and select Transcode. Select the profile that has
been created for this transcode and click Set.
t In your Avid editing application, right-click the clip in the bin and select Media Services >
Avid Interplay Transcode Service. Select the profile that has been created for this transcode.
t Set up an Auto Transcode folder in Interplay Access and drag and drop clips to the folder.
The Transcode service transcodes the clip and stores the media according to the instructions in
the profile. The new media is associated with the original clip metadata. The following
illustration shows an example of a low-res proxy in the Interplay Window. You can see that the
current resolution for the clip is AVCIBP-BLL3.0.60. This is the Avid editing application
representation for 720p/59.94 proxy media.
720p proxy media can only be created using the Interplay Transcode service. The
Consolidate/Transcode operation in your editing application does not support 720p proxy media
in this release.
Understanding How Clips are Associated with
Multiple Resolutions
In a MultiRez environment, relinking is source based. That is, your Avid editing application
relinks a clip to its media according to the source of the clip rather than the name of the clip.
Whenever you create a new tape or import a file, your Avid editing application creates a unique
source ID that is used by your Avid editing application and is not visible to users.