User Manual

Using the Dynamic Relink Settings Dialog Box
Top to bottom: Relink to offline media if no match is found, specific video resolution to match, specific audio sample
rate and bit depth to match
The working settings in the following illustration instruct your Avid editing application to link to
the specific video resolution of DV 25. If your Avid editing application cannot find this
resolution for a particular clip, it should relink to media that most closely matches DV 25, based
on the specified parameters. In this case, it should relink to a resolution that is more compressed
than DV 25 (less than or equal to DV 25), such as 15:1s.
Similarly, for audio, your Avid editing application should use media with a sample rate less than
or equal to 44.1 kHz/16 bit. If your Avid editing application finds no match for this rule, it should
use the closest media that is available.