User Manual

Avid Log Specifications
An Avid log is composed of three sections, in this order:
Global Titles
Standard and custom column Titles
Data Titles
When you create an Avid log, you must follow the order precisely. The tables in these topics
follow this order.
The tables use the following conventions:
A Title appears in the first column, without angled brackets or square brackets. For example,
FIELD_DELIM is the first global Title.
A <supported value> is surrounded by angled brackets. <Alternative supported values>
appear underneath, also in angled brackets. You must enter one of these values. For example,
<29.97> is one of the supported values for the FPS Title; to specify that value, type
A <variable data value> is also surrounded by angled brackets, but it is italicized. For
example, <timecode> is the data entry for the Start Title; type the correct timecode, in the
, for drop-frame timecode).
[Tab] and [Enter] (Windows) or [Return] (Macintosh) keys are surrounded by standard
A column contains the word “Required” if the Title must be included in the log.
The final column contains notes about the Title or values.
You can decide not to display a defined Title (including a required Title), except for Name. Name
must always be displayed.
The maximum number of combined global, standard, and custom Titles in a log file is 64.
For an example of a simple log file, see “Sample Avid Log” on page 134.
Global Titles
The global Titles must come first in an Avid log file, and you must enter one value for each Title.
GLOBAL Titles: Global Titles are case sensitive and must be spelled exactly as shown. Include all required
Titles. Other Titles are optional but might be necessary for your project. The maximum number of combined
global, standard, and custom Titles in a log file is 64.
Title [Enter] or
Required This marks the start of the global