User Manual

Quality Matching
To perform a partial restore from an archive:
1. Assume you have a 10-minute master clip and you have both 15:1s and DV 25 versions of
the media.
2. Archive the DV 25 version of the media.
3. Delete the online DV 25 media and keep the low-resolution, 15:1 media online.
4. Edit one minute of the low-resolution version of the clip into a sequence.
5. Select the sequence in the bin and use Avid Interplay Archive to restore the DV 25 version of
the clip from the archive.
If the profile that you choose is set up to perform partial restores, your Avid editing
application restores only the portion of the clip that is in the sequence.
Now when you look in the bin, the DV 25 resolution shows as partially online. This is true
even if the Timeline shows that all media is available.
Quality Matching
Your Avid editing application follows a specific process when attempting a dynamic relink.
Dynamic relink provides you with a way to relink to media if the specific resolution or sample
rate is not available. The Dynamic Relink Settings dialog box includes the following options that
enable this feature, called quality matching:
In the common area, for the option “If no match is found,” you can select “Use Closest
Media.” Your Avid editing application uses the criteria you set in this dialog box to match
the request.
For the video relink method, you can select Highest Quality, Most Compressed, or Specific
Resolution. For Highest Quality, your Avid editing application links to the least compressed
and most highly defined media (more pixels, higher bit depth, more color information) with
a format that most closely matches the project settings. For Most Compressed, your Avid
editing application links to the most compressed media.
If you select Specific Resolution as a relink method, you can select “Greater than or equal
to,” or “Less than or equal to” as a filter for the video relink quality. In this case, your Avid
editing application looks for an exact match. If it can’t find an exact match, it links to the
closest media that satisfies the selected filter, based on format and compression.
For the audio relink method, you can select Highest Sample Rate, Highest Bit Depth, or
Specific Quality.
For the audio relink quality, if you select Specific Resolution as a relink method, you can
select “Greater than or equal to,” or “Less than or equal to” as a filter for the audio relink
quality. Your Avid editing application looks for an exact match. If it can’t find an exact
match, it links to the closest media that satisfies the selected filter, based on sample rate and
bit depth.