User Manual

Avid Marketplace Media Libraries Quick Start
13. You can now add the clips to your sequence.
14. If you want, you can create a Stock Footage Report (.txt file) to see which clips you have
used in your sequence, right-click the sequence in the bin or right-click the sequence in the
Record monitor and select Stock Footage Report.
For more information, see “Creating a Stock Footage Report” on page 1326.
15. When you decide which clip you want to purchase, right-click the clip in the bin or to
download all the clips in your sequence, right-click the sequence and select Buy Stock
Footage clips.
A login window opens asking you to login. A stock footage report is sent and a bin is created
in My Bins. This new bin includes all the stock footage clips and information about each clip
in your sequence. This report is used to calculate the cost of your clips.
For more information, see “Purchasing Your Stock Footage” on page 1328.
16. Add your clips to your cart (one at a time) and specify the usage type in the License window.
You will receive an e-mail when your high resolution clips are ready to download.
Some footage clips need to be priced and licensed with the assistance of a sales rep. Please
contact a Thought Equity Motion Sales Representative, call 866-815-6599, or select Click
here to request further details and you will be contacted shortly.
Call Thought Equity Motion to specify if you need the High Resolution clip to be created with the
Avid QuickTime codecs at a specific resolution (for example DNxHD). This is helpful if you need
to match the project type and resolution of your finished sequence.
17. Download your high resolution stock footage clips from Thought Equity Motion.
You can also download your comp clips and high-resolution clips from outside of the Avid
editing application. For information on how to do this, see “To download comp clips outside of
the Avid editing application to an Avid bin:” on page 1325 or “To download your stock footage
outside of the Avid editor:” on page 1331
It is recommended that you place all your high resolution stock footage clips for one project
in the same bin.
The media file is stored on the drive you have specified in the Media Creation > Import tab
dialog box.
Make sure that the drive you specify in the Media Creation > Import tab dialog box supports the
bandwidth and has enough space to support the downloaded stock footage media.
For more information, see “Downloading your High Resolution Stock Footage” on
page 1329.
18. Open the bin(s) that stores all your high resolution stock footage clips and select the high
resolution clips that correspond to the comp clips in your sequence.