User Manual

Searching through Stock Footage
5. Click Submit.
The system creates your new bin and adds it to the My Bins menu.
To add a clip to a Thought Equity Motion bin folder:
1. Once you have identified a clip to add to a bin, click the Add (+) button.
The clip is added to your default bin.
2. To add a clip to a different bin, click the check box to select the clip.
3. From the Clip tools menu, select Add selected to bin folder name.
The clip is added to your selected bin.
Managing Your Bins
After you login, you can manage and view one bin at a time by selecting the Bin name from the
My Bins menu, or to see all your bins, you can choose the Manage My Bins option from the My
Bins menu.
To manage a single bin:
1. Click My Bins.
A menu displays bin options.
2. Select a bin.
The bin opens and displays the clips you have stored in that bin.
3. Click the Display options menu to change your current display, click Apply.
4. Under each clip, the system displays icons which allow you to perform different functions,
they include: