User Manual

Downloading Stock Footage Clips to Your Avid Bin
Downloading Stock Footage Clips to Your Avid Bin
Once you select clips from the Avid Thought Equity Motion site, you can download low
resolution comp clips into your Avid bin to try them out in your sequence.
Although it is recommended to download directly through your Avid editing system, if needed,
you can download clips outside of the Avid editing system from an external browser. Store the
clips on your system and link them to your bin at a later time. This process can also be used to
recreate clips for previously downloaded files.
It is recommended that you do not change the file name of the downloaded clip. The file name
includes information that is used for linking.
An internet connection is required when you link clips in order to properly recognize files and
access the data needed for any new clip metadata.
Adding Vendor Columns to your Avid Bin
New metadata columns are available to display in your bin to provide you with information
about the vendor and the stock footage clips you might purchase. They include:
Column Name Description
Vendor Name The name of the vendor where you are purchasing the clip.
Vendor URL The URL address of the vendor.
Vendor Asset ID The vendor’s unique ID for the clip.
Vendor Asset Name The vendor’s name for the clip.
Vendor Asset Rights The usage rights for the clip (for example, Royalty Free).
Vendor Asset Price The vendor-specified price for using the clip, if available.
Vendor Original Master The original acquisition format of the media, if available
(for example, 1080i 59.94 fps HDCAM).
Vendor Download Master The master format stored online for download, if available
(for example, QuickTime/DVCPRO HD). This file is used
to transcode to other formats, if needed.
Vendor Asset Description The vendor’s description for the clip.
Vendor Asset Keywords The vendor’s list of keywords for the clip.
Vendor Asset Status The current status of the clip (Comp, Purchased).