User Manual

Downloading your High Resolution Stock Footage
For more detailed information about downloading, see “Downloading Stock Footage Clips to
Your Avid Bin” on page 1321. This section explains downloading low resolution clips, but the
same information applies to downloading high resolution clips.
It is recommended that you do not change the file name of the downloaded clip. The file name
includes information that is used for linking. However, it is all right to rename the clip name
inside the Avid bin.
To download your stock footage:
1. It is recommended that you place all your high resolution stock footage clips for one project
in the same bin. You can also specify the drive to store all your downloaded media files.
The media file is stored on the drive you have specified in the Media Creation > Import tab
dialog box. For more information about this setting, see “Preparing for Capture” on
page 159 and “Media Creation Settings” on page 1424.
Make sure that the drive you specify in the Media Creation > Import tab dialog box supports the
bandwidth and has enough space to support the downloaded stock footage media.
2. From the Avid Marketplace window, click My Account, then click My Orders.
Your account opens with the clips you have purchased.
3. Click Download Masters.