User Manual

Downloading your High Resolution Stock Footage
You need to click Download Masters for each clip.
The clips download to your selected Avid bin. If there is no bin open or multiple bins are
opened, the Select a Bin dialog box opens asking you to select a bin or create a new bin.
A download progress bar appears, in the lower-left corner of the Avid Marketplace window,
with the number of clips to download.
You can click the Cancel button next to the progress bar at any time during the download
process to cancel the download.
While the clips are downloading, you can continue to work in your Avid editing application.
However, do not close the target bin or the Avid editing application while the download is in
progress, the download will not complete successfully.
The high resolution clips appear in your Avid bin. An AMA link icon appears next to the
clip. To play your sequence with the high resolution clips, you need to relink the purchased
clips to your sequence. For more information, see “Relinking High Resolution Media to
Your Sequence” on page 1332.
To download your stock footage outside of the Avid editor:
1. Open a web browser and login to the Thought Equity Motion website.
2. If the clips you want to download are stored in the Thought Equity Motion bin, download the
entire bin or individual clips.
A zip file is created for an entire bin. The zip file name is the bin name and the date. There
may be a delay in receiving the zipped file. Individual clips download immediately.
3. If needed, unzip the file and place the clips in a folder on your Desktop or somewhere
convenient for you.
4. In your Avid editing application, select the Avid bin you want to place the clips into, then
right-click and select Link to Stock Footage File(s). You can also select File > Link to Stock
Footage File(s).
AMA must be enabled to link the stock footage file. The menu item will be unavailable if AMA is
not enabled.
An internet connection is required when you link clips in order to properly recognize files and
access the data needed for any new clip metadata.
The Browse dialog box opens.
5. Locate the clip you downloaded, and then click OK.