User Manual

Working with Settings
Multiple Keyboard and Composer settings to use for various activities such as capturing,
offline editing, or online effects editing.
Multiple Deck Preferences settings for various types of capturing or for output.
User settings for the assistant editor that facilitate logging, capturing, and organizing
User settings for the editor that include editing interface preferences.
Bin View settings that display useful columns of information in bins.
For more information, see “Understanding Bin Views” on page 328 and “Saving a Custom
Bin View” on page 329).
If you establish your settings once, and then select the appropriate setting or bin view for your
current needs, you can save time and effort that you might spend searching for information or
adjusting bin headings on-the-fly.
Working with Settings
You can open a dialog box for most settings that lets you view the current settings and to change
them if necessary. You can also duplicate, rename, copy, and move settings among files or
Viewing and Modifying Settings
You can view most settings in a dialog box or window that also lets you change the settings.
You cannot modify the following types of settings:
Settings that require the presence of standalone peripherals.
Settings that are only modifiable from within the tools in which they are used, such as
Timeline views.
Film and 24p settings when you are working in nonfilm projects.
To view a category of settings:
1. Click the Settings tab in the Project window.
The Settings list appears.
2. Double-click a setting in the Settings list.
A dialog box or window opens.