User Manual

Summary of Settings
Composer Configures the display and behavior of buttons and
information in the Playback, Source, and Record
“Composer Settings” on page 1367
Sets the default controller, port selection, and custom
controller buttons.
“Controller Settings” on page 1370
Correction Sets options for the Color Correction tool. “Correction Settings” on page 1371
Configures channels and decks into your system. Deck Configuration Settings” on
page 1372
Deck Sets custom naming and configuration information
for decks.
“Deck Settings” on page 1373
Sets preferences that affect all decks configured into
the system.
“Deck Preferences Settings” on
page 1374
Dynamic Relink Sets options that control how clips link to media files
when you are working in a MultiRez environment.
“Dynamic Relink Settings” on
page 1376
Effect Editor Sets options for how controls appear and behave in
the Effect Editor.
“Effect Editor Settings” on page 1379
Email Sets options for receiving email notification when a
render operation completes.
“E-mail Settings” on page 1381
Export Sets options for file export. “Export Settings” on page 1382
Film and 24p Sets options for edit play rate, ink number format, and
transfer rate.
“Film and 24P Settings” on page 1406
Sets options for viewing your video on a full-screen
“Full Screen Playback Settings” on
page 1407
General Defines default values such as the default starting
timecode and temporary file location for your project.
“General Settings” on page 1411
Grid Defines the grid to use when you create effects. For
more information, seeFor more information, see
“Setting Effect Grid Options” in the Help.
“Grid Settings” on page 1412
Import Sets options for file import. “Import Settings” on page 1414
Interface Defines the appearance and function of certain
interface elements. For more information, see
“Customizing the Avid User Interface” on page 90.
“Interface Settings” on page 1420
Setting Name Description Reference Topic