User Manual

Audio Project Settings
Audio Project Settings: Input Tab
The options that appear in this tab depend on your audio configuration and the hardware installed
on your system. Your options might differ from those listed here.
Show Mismatched
Sample Rates as
Different Color
Controls whether or not your Avid editing application identifies mismatched sample
rates by color if you have a sequence with several different sample rates.
Remove Extra Filler
After Punchin
Controls whether your Avid editing application removes or keeps extra filler added
during an audio punch-in recording.
Optical Connection Depending on your Avid input/output hardware, defines whether you use ADAT or
S/PDIF output for use with an optical connection.
Keep Dolby E
Material Safe
Select this option to ensure the capture of Dolby E media.
Option Description
Option Description
Input Gain slider Depending on your Avid input/output hardware, controls your computer’s volume settings.
(Windows only) Select the +20 dB check box to boost gain for low gain inputs.
Input Source Controls the type of audio input. The types available depend on the audio hardware
installed in or connected to your system.
If you select IEEE 1394 as your input device, this option is automatically set to
Host-1394. For more information, see “Connecting a DV Device” on page 184.
Sample Rate
Controls sample rate conversion:
When needed: Your Avid editing application automatically converts incoming audio
sample rates to match the project sample rate.
Never: Your Avid editing application does not perform sample rate conversion.
For more information, see “Selecting the Audio Sample Rate and Controlling Audio
Sample Rate Conversion” on page 199.
Output Sync
During Passthrough
Controls the timing reference for output:
Same as Video Out with SRC (Sample Rate Conversion): This is the default setting
and is used for most applications. The timing reference is the same for the audio and
video output clock.
Same as Audio In: Uses the audio capture clock as the audio output clock while you
are capturing. This option does not require the use of a sample rate converter and is
useful when using encoded digital audio stream.