User Manual

Audio Project Settings
Audio Project Settings: Hardware Tab
Apart from HW Calibration, the settings in the Hardware tab are for informational purposes only
and list defaults set by your system, depending on your audio hardware and configuration.
Audio Project Settings: Effects Tab
Option Description
Card Indicates the type of audio card installed.
Peripheral Indicates the type of peripheral audio device (audio interface) attached to the system.
Sync Mode Sync ensures that the audio sample clock is always in sync with the video clock for audio
input and output. This prevents long-term drift between audio and video.
When you are working with video and digital audio simultaneously, set your digital audio
equipment to the same video reference signal as your video equipment.
When you change the audio input selection, your Avid editing application
automatically selects the correct audio clock source for audio sync.
HW Calibration Depending on your Avid input/output hardware, matches the software audio calibration to
your Avid hardware.
The default value for the software and hardware is -20dBFS. Other available values are
-14dBFS and -18dBFS. If you don’t change your hardware settings, keep this value at
-20dBFS. For information on changing the hardware setting, see “Calibrating Audio
Hardware for Avid Nitris DX and Avid Mojo DX” on page 208.
Open Calibration
Available when you are using Avid Nitris DX or Avid Mojo DX.
Opens the Audio Hardware Calibration tool, see “Calibrating Audio Hardware for Avid
Nitris DX and Avid Mojo DX” on page 208.
Option Description
Effect Bypass panel Controls which of the volume settings established with the audio tools your Avid editing
application ignores when playing back or recording a sequence:
Clip Gain: Bypasses the clip gain mode of the Audio Mixer tool.
Auto Gain: Bypasses all Volume Automation and Pan effects set in the Volume
Automation and Pan mode of the Audio Mixer tool.
RT EQ: Bypasses all unrendered EQ effects set in the Audio EQ tool.
These buttons function the same as the Bypass buttons in the audio tools.
Render Sample Rate
Conversion Quality
Controls the conversion quality of all non-real-time sample rate conversions. The
following options are available: High and Slow, Balanced, Low and Fast.