User Manual

Capture Settings
Capture Settings
Capture settings include essential options for capturing, batch capturing, auto capturing,
capturing to multiple media files, DV scene extraction, and setting key commands.
Capture Settings: General Tab
Double-click loads
object in
Determines what happens when you double-click an object in the bin:
New Pop-up Monitor: Creates a new Source pop-up monitor and automatically loads
the clip when you double-click an object in the bin.
Source or Record Monitor: When you have the Composer monitor stretched into two
monitors, loads the clip into the Source monitor or the sequence into the Record
monitor. When you are using the single Composer monitor, loads the clip or sequence
into the existing Source pop-up monitor.
Enable edit from bin
(Splice, Overwrite)
Lets you edit clips directly from a bin by selecting a clip and clicking the Splice-in or the
Overwrite button.
Option Description
Option Description
Stop deck after
When this option is selected, the deck stops when the capture operation is complete.
Pause deck after
When this option is selected, the deck pauses when the capture operation is complete.
Preroll Method Defines the preroll method. For more information, see “Selecting Settings for Preroll
Method and for Capturing Across Timecode Breaks” on page 173.
Force unique clip
When this option is selected, your Avid editing application automatically assigns a clip
name based on the bin’s name and ensures this name, or another name you select, is not
already used by any other object in the bin.
Activate bin window
after capture
When this option is selected, your Avid editing application changes the focus from the
Capture Tool window to a bin window after capturing or logging is complete. This lets
you start working in the bin immediately.
Space bar stops
When this option is selected, you can use the space bar to create clip names during the
capturing process. When you press the space bar during a capture operation, your Avid
editing application stops capturing, creates a clip from the captured material, and places
the clip in the active bin.