User Manual

Capture Settings
Capture Settings: Edit Tab
Capture Settings: OMF Media Files Tab
The OMF Media Files tab is available in the Capture Settings dialog box when you select OMF
in the Media Type tab of the Media Creation dialog box.
Use the video
compression logged for
each clip
When this option is selected, your Avid editing application uses the video
compression logged for each clip.
Option Description
Option Description
Enable edit to timeline
(splice, overwrite)
When this option is selected, Splice-in Edit and Overwrite Edit buttons display in the
Capture tool.
Handles Controls the amount of footage you capture before and after the IN and OUT points of
the clips (when capturing to the Timeline only).
Option Description
Capture to a single file,
2 GB limit
When this option is selected, capture stops when the media captured has taken up
2 gigabytes (GB) of storage space on the media drive.
Capture to multiple files When this option is selected, your Avid editing application writes captured video
or audio to multiple files across multiple drive partitions. Select this option for
clips that might exceed the 2-GB file-size limit.
Maximum (default) capture
time n minutes
Determines how much space your Avid editing application preallocates on the
target drive or drives before a capture begins. The default capture time is 30
This option applies only to capture-on-the-fly and capture from an IN point
without an OUT point. Capture from an IN point to an OUT point overrides this
option. Change this option only if you intend to capture on-the-fly for longer than
30 minutes. Your Avid editing application captures for only the specified number
of minutes, so be careful not to underestimate.
Switch to emptiest drive
when n minutes left
When this option is selected, your Avid editing application switches to another
storage drive when the specified amount of time remains.