User Manual

Composer Settings
Composer Settings: Edit Tab
Option Description
Color Framing When this option is selected, color framing indicator lights display above the
Overwrite and Splice-in buttons. Deselect this option if you are not performing an
online edit with material captured from 1-inch, reel-to-reel tapes. This option is
deselected by default.
When this option is deselected, you might have to make adjustments during
online editing if your edits interrupt the color-sync, signals-per-frame fields in the
The following field options are available:
4 field: For NTSC video.
8 field: For PAL video.
The green color framing indicator lights (similar to LEDs) above the Overwrite
and Splice-in buttons are off when the color-sync signal is not in phase for that
frame. Steady green lights indicate a frame that is properly phased.
If the green light is off, find the proper color phasing when editing by trimming
the IN to OUT points by a frame or two until the light comes on and stays on.
For more information on color framing, see “Tracking Color Frame Shifts” on
page 728.
Sync Point Editing
When this option is selected, your Avid editing application overwrites material
onto your sequence so that a particular point in the source material is in sync with
a particular point in the sequence.
Single Mark Editing When this option is selected, you can mark an IN or OUT point in the Source
monitor and then perform a splice, overwrite, or replace edit. Your Avid editing
application uses the current location of the position indicator as the corresponding
OUT or IN point.
Phantom Marks When this option is selected, your Avid editing application provides visual
guidance when you set fewer than four IN or OUT points while editing. Phantom
marks (shaded IN or OUT mark icons) indicate the remaining edit points
calculated by your Avid editing application to complete the edit. For more
information, see “Working with Phantom Marks” on page 620.
Auto-create New Tracks When this option is selected, whenever you load new source material into the
Source monitor, your Avid editing application automatically creates any new
tracks in the sequence that match existing tracks in the source material. This
option is selected by default.
Auto-enable Source Tracks When this option is selected, whenever you load new source material into the
Source monitor, your Avid editing application automatically enables all existing
source tracks. This option is selected by default.