User Manual

Composer Settings
Composer Settings: FF/REW Tab
The options in the FF/REW tab control how the position indicator moves when you use the Fast
Forward and Rewind buttons in your Avid editing application monitors. These buttons behave
differently from the equivalent buttons on a tape deck. When a sequence is loaded in a monitor,
the Fast Forward or Rewind button causes a jump (forward or backward) to the next edit that is
common to all selected tracks in the Timeline. When a clip is loaded in a monitor, the Fast
Forward or Rewind button causes a jump to the beginning or end of the clip.
Copy Source Markers When this option is selected, if you have markers in a clip in the Source monitor,
your Avid editing application copies the markers when you edit the clip into the
Record monitor. This option is selected by default.
Undo Only Record Events When this option is selected, you can limit the Undo command to undo only
record actions. For more information, see “Undoing or Redoing Edits” on
page 583.
Activate Record Monitor
After Edit
When this option is selected, the Record monitor will be active after you perform
an edit. If the option is not enabled, whichever monitor was selected before you
made an edit will be the active monitor after the edit. This option is not enabled
by default.
Option Description
Option Description
Stop at Head Frames When this option is selected, the position indicator stops at the first frame (head
frame) of the clip on the selected track.
This option is the default setting. Each time you use either the Fast Forward and
Rewind button, the position indicator moves to the next consecutive head frame.
Stop at Tail Frames When this option is selected, the position indicator stops at the last frame (tail frame)
of the clip on the selected track.
Stop at Markers When this option is selected, the position indicator moves to the next consecutive
frame containing a marker. For more information on using markers, see “Using
Markers” on page 523.
Ignore Track Selectors When this option is selected, your Avid editing application ignores the selected tracks
and cues directly to the start (head) frame of the next edit, regardless of the track on
which it occurs.
The position indicator’s final location depends on whether the Stop at Head Frames
and Stop at Tail Frames options are selected.