User Manual

Deck Preferences Settings
Deck Preferences Settings
Show Filters the devices that display in the Device menu:
All Devices: Displays all devices by manufacturer and model.
Decks: Displays only decks by manufacturer and model.
Transcoders: Displays only transcoders by manufacturer and model.
Preroll Defines how many seconds the tape rolls before capture or digital cut starts. The default is based
on the type of videotape recorder (VTR).
Fast Cue Speeds up long searches if your decks can read timecode in fast forward or rewind mode. Select
one of the following options:
Switch to ff/rew (seconds): n: When this option is selected, your Avid editing application
switches to fast forward or rewind if the target timecode is beyond the specified number of
seconds from your current location on the tape.
By default, the deck switches to fast forward or rewind to reach a target timecode that is
more than 60 seconds away.
If your deck shuttles very quickly, you can increase this number so that your Avid editing
application uses fast cue only for long searches.
Switch to Search (seconds): n: When this option is selected, your Avid editing application
switches out of fast forward or rewind when it is within the specified number of seconds of
the target timecode. By default, your Avid editing application switches to search mode when
it is 60 seconds from the target timecode.
Option Description
Option Description
When the deck contains
no tape or drop frame
cannot be detected set
timecode to
Sets the timecode format (Drop Frame or Non-drop Frame) for logging clips when
no tape is in the deck or when your Avid editing application cannot detect drop
frame or non-drop frame. When a tape is in the deck, your Avid editing application
automatically uses the existing timecode format on the tape. For more information,
see “Understanding Timecode” on page 183.