User Manual

Dynamic Relink Settings
Working settings tab
Target settings tab
If no match is found Defines the action to take if no media is available that matches
the working or target settings. You can select one option as a
working setting and a different option as a target setting. Select
one of the following:
Keep Existing Media: Your Avid editing application
displays the media to which the clips are currently linked.
Relink to Offline: Your Avid editing application displays a
“Media Offline” slide in the monitors.
Relinking to offline does not delete existing media.
Use Closest Media: Your Avid editing application displays
the media that most closely matches the working or target
settings. For example, this might be useful when you are
editing progressive media into a sequence that contains both
progressive and interlaced media.
For information about enabling a visual display of which media
is available, see “Displaying Whether Media Is Available for
Dynamic Relinking” on page 1274.
Video Parameters Target format (Target settings only) Defines the project format for your target
settings, which determines the resolutions that are available in
the Dynamic Relink target settings. You can set this format
independently of the format set in the Format tab of the Project
Relink Method Defines how your Avid editing application dynamically relinks
to video material. Select one of the following: Most Recent (the
latest media files created), Highest Quality, Most Compressed,
or Specific Resolution.
Dialog Box Area Option Description (Continued)