User Manual

Dynamic Relink Settings
Relink if quality Available when Specific Resolution is the Relink method.
Defines a relational operator and a resolution to compare
Select one of the following relational operators:
Greater than or equal to: If the selected resolution is not
available, your Avid editing application uses the nearest
resolution that is better (more pixels, less compression) than
the requested one and that has the closest video format
(image size, field topness). If none of the available
resolutions satisfy these criteria, the clip displays as
specified in the “If no match is found” list: Keep Existing
Media, Relink to Offline, or Use Closest Media.
Equal to: If the selected resolution is not available, the clip
displays as specified in the “If no match is found” list.
Less than or equal to: If the selected resolution is not
available, your Avid editing application uses the nearest
resolution that is less (fewer pixels, more compression) than
the requested one and that has the closest video format
(image size, field topness). If none of the available
resolutions satisfy these criteria, the clip displays as
specified in the “If no match is found” list.
Preferred media format Defines your preferred media type as either MXF or Any (OMF
or MXF). High-definition resolutions are available in the MXF
format only.
Audio Parameters Relink method Defines the relink option for relinking to audio material. Select
one of the following: Most Recent (the latest media files
created), Highest Sample Rate, Highest Bit Depth, Compressed,
or Specific Quality.
Compressed audio through the Avid Encoder IPV is
always 48 kHz and 16 bit. No other selections are
Dialog Box Area Option Description (Continued)