User Manual

Effect Editor Settings
Effect Editor Settings
The Effect Editor settings and the commands in the Effect Editor shortcut menu are similar but
not identical.
Relink if
sample rate and bit
The relational operators on the left for sample rate and bit depth
are similar to the relational operators for the Video parameter
“Relink if quality” menu. However, the two menus have an
additional entry, “Any, which lets you use one criteria and
ignore the other. For example, you could select sample rate
equal to 44.1 kHz and bit depth to “Any”.
The corresponding menus on the right contain values
appropriate to the corresponding quality parameter. The sample
rate and bit depth relational operators work as a Boolean AND
operation (that is, the intersection of all constraints). These are
not available if you select “Any.
Compression Lets you choose “uncompressed only” or “any,” which lets you
use one criteria and ignore the other. Your Avid editing
application chooses the best media available.
You can only play compressed audio at this time. You
cannot consolidate or transcode compressed audio.
Choose uncompressed audio for your final output.
You cannot mix down compressed audio.
Preferred media type Defines your first choice of media format: PCM (MXF) or Any
(OMF or MXF).
Dialog Box Area Option Description (Continued)
Option Description
Indent Rows When this option is selected, parameter rows are indented from the parameter group
row, and any parameter subgroups are indented again. When this option is deselected,
the left edges of parameter rows line up with the parameter group row.
Large Text When this option is selected, text in the Effect Editor appears in 12-point size. When
this option is deselected, text in the Effect Editor appears in the default size, 10 points
(Windows) or 9 points (Macintosh).
Thumbwheels When this option is deselected, variable controls in the Effect Editor appear as the
default sliders. When this option is selected, variable controls appear as thumbwheels.
For information on using thumbwheels, see “Changing a Parameter with a Slider in
the Effect Editor” in the Help.