User Manual

Export Settings
Export Settings: OMFI, AAF, and AFE
Option Description
Use Marks When this option is selected, your Avid editing application uses current IN and OUT
points in the selected clip or sequence to determine starting and ending frames for the
export. To export the entire clip or sequence, deselect this option or mark the entire clip
or sequence.
Use Enabled Tracks When this option is selected, your Avid editing application exports the tracks that are
enabled in the Timeline. To export all the tracks in the sequence, deselect this option.
This option is selected by default.
Option Description
Export As: Defines the export format:
AAF: Select this option if the application to which you are exporting supports AAF
OMF 1.0: Select this option if the application to which you are exporting does not
support OMFI Version 2.0
OMF 2.0: Select this option if the application to which you are exporting supports
OMFI Version 2.0. If you are not sure, select OMF 1.0.
AFE (Windows only): Select this option if the application to which you are exporting
supports AFE
There are no options available to you when you select AFE. Your Avid editing
application uses the default settings.
Use Marks, Use
Enabled Tracks
See “Use Marks and Use Enabled Tracks Options” on page 1384.
AAF Edit Protocol When you select this option, exported AAF files are AAF Edit Protocol compliant. The
AAF Edit Protocol specification supports interchange of metadata that describes edit
decisions, audio and visual effects, and embedded non-AAF files. This option only
appears when Export As is set to AAF.
AAF Edit Protocol exported files can exceed the 2GB size limit. AAF Edit
Protocol compliant files are not compatible with Pro Tools v7.1 and earlier.
Include All
Video/Data Tracks in
When you select this option, the Video Details tab appears, and your Avid editing
application includes all video and data tracks from the sequence in the AAF or OMFI
Include All Audio
Tracks in Sequence
When you select this option, the Audio Details tab appears, and your Avid editing
application includes all audio tracks from the sequence in the AAF or the OMFI file.