User Manual

Export Settings
Export Settings: QuickTime Compression Settings
The Standard Video Compression Settings dialog box provides access to a wide range of
QuickTime video codecs. The codecs available from the Compression Type list might vary
depending on your computer’s configuration and your operating system. Other options in the
dialog box vary depending on the codec you select from the Compression Type list. If you have
an Internet connection, you can get help on using the options in this dialog box from the
QuickTime web site by pressing the ? button in the bottom left corner of the dialog box.
The list of codecs includes Avid codecs, which create encapsulated media files for export of
high-resolution files that are readable within QuickTime applications. You must install the Avid
codec you use to export the file on the system running the QuickTime application for the
application to read the exported file. For more information, see “Installing or Copying the Avid
Codecs for QuickTime on Other Systems” on page 1027.
When you select an Avid codec and then click the Options button, the Codec Configuration
dialog box lets you configure further options. For Color Levels or Color Input, select the color
levels of the source media. If you are exporting from an Avid editing system, use ITU-R 601
(SD) or 709 (HD).
The following table describes the Avid codecs available in the Standard Video Compression
Settings dialog.
Prepare for
Fast Start: The movie can begin playing over the Internet without having to download
completely first. This method of playing movies over the Internet is referred to as progressive
download or HTTP streaming. It does not require a streaming video server.
Fast Start - Compressed Header: This option is a better choice for progressive downloading. It
works the same as Fast Start, but compresses the header information. The header is the
portion of the file that allows the movie to start playing before the entire movie is
downloaded. Compressing the header allows it to download faster. This is important for large
movies (movies that are longer than several minutes).
Hinted Streaming: Select this option if you are putting the exported file on a streaming video
server. The file does not stream without a hint track for each track in the movie. Hint tracks
allow the streaming video server to split the file into packets for the streaming.
A file with hinted streaming also plays as a progressive download. However, it will probably
play more slowly than a Fast Start movie because it contains additional information and is
therefore larger.
For additional options, click Track Hinter Settings to open the RTP (Real Time Protocol)
Track Settings dialog box. For more information, see your QuickTime documentation.
Option Description