User Manual

Export Settings
Windows Media Audio Settings
The following table describes options available when you select Windows Media from the
Windows Media menu in the Export Settings dialog box and then select an audio track.
Passes (not available
when you select
Defines the number of encoding passes, either 1 or 2. With 1 Pass encoding, the content
passes through the encoder once, and compression is applied as the content is
encountered. With 2 Pass encoding, the content is analyzed during the first pass, and
then encoded in the second pass based on the data gathered in the first pass. 2 Pass
encoding might result in better quality but takes longer.
VBR (not available
when you select
Variable Bit Rate. This option defines the quality of the video profile setting.
Quality Choose Constrained or Unconstrained. Choose Constrained when playing either locally
or on a device that has a constrained reading speed, such as a CD or DVD player.
Bit Rate Defines the size of the data stream in megabits per second.
Buffer Size Defines the number of seconds that you want content to be stored before encoding
begins. A larger buffer results in better quality content, but requires more memory.
When you encode content, the encoding process is delayed by the amount of time
specified in the buffer. The content is also delayed by the same amount of time when
streaming to a player.
Quality Values for this option range from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest quality.
Keyframe Defines the number of keyframes used as part of the encoding sequence. The value is the
number of keyframes used for every second of video. A lower number results in higher
quality, but larger files.
Language Select from the list of available languages.
Option Description
Option Description
Use Marks, Use
Enabled Tracks
See “Use Marks and Use Enabled Tracks Options” on page 1384.
Uncompressed When this option is selected, your Avid editing application creates a high-quality export
in which no picture information is lost. This option does not compress the file and can
result in very large files.