User Manual

Full Screen Playback Settings
S3D Overlay Displays the disparity guides on the viewer so that you can see the depth budget limits
when adjusting the separation between your stereo 3D images. The guides for Parallax are
based on the project’s S3D settings (set from the Project window, Settings tab).
Parallax Near: Displays green guides that show the limits for objects that will appear in
front of the screen plane.
Parallax Far: Displays blue guides that show the limits for objects that will appear in front
of the screen plane.
Parallax Near/Far: Displays both guides (green and blue) that show the limits for objects
that will appear in front and behind the screen plane.
Full Screen This option is selected by default.
When this option is deselected, the video displays with as little scaling as possible. Your
Avid editing application tries to display the image at its native height, and then matches
the width to the height using the Aspect Ratio selection from above.
Deselecting Full Screen and working in Draft quality (green/yellow) mode or Best
Performance (yellow/yellow) mode can also improve performance with some older video
cards that have limited pixel shader processing power.
Display Both
Select this option when your Avid editing application is connected to an interlaced
If a progressive display (for example, an LCD monitor) is connected to the graphic card's
video output and you select this option, toothcombing appears in interlaced images.
Flip on
Vertical Sync
If your graphics board can render the frame of video before the vertical retrace, enabling
this option removes the tearing seen on the Full Screen Play monitor. (Vertical retrace is
the action within the monitor that turns the monitor beam off when moving it from the
lower right corner of the monitor to the upper left.) If the board is unable to render the
frame, you might see a stutter. The size of the video frame, the throughput of the board,
and the speed of the bus that the graphics board runs affect the ability of the board to
complete the render in time. This option is deselected by default.
Expand Luminance
For Computer
When this option is selected, the video image is represented more accurately when using
Full Screen Play on a standard computer monitor. If you are driving a studio quality
monitor through either component, DVI or HDMI inputs you might want to run with this
option deselected. This option is deselected by default.
Current Monitor
Defines which monitor displays the full screen playback. Drag the entire Full Screen
Playback Settings dialog box to the desired monitor, and then click Select Monitor.
(Macintosh only) If two or more graphics cards are installed, choose a monitor that is
connected to the primary graphics adapter.
Option Description