User Manual

Import Settings
Import Settings
Import Settings: Image Tab
Option Description
Image Size
Controls the dimensions of imported images. The following options are available:
Image sized for current format: Select this option if the image is properly sized and formatted
for the current project format, or to maintain field data when you import two-field media that
follows exact NTSC or PAL dimensions. Your Avid editing application converts the existing
pixel dimensions, if necessary, so that the image fills the screen. HD projects use the ITU-R
709 color space instead of ITU-R 601. This is the default option.
If the aspect ratio of the original frames does not match the aspect ratio your Avid editing
application is using, the imported frames might appear distorted.
For best full-screen resolution in SD projects of files created in a square-pixel environment,
use 648 x 486 (NTSC), 648 x 480 (NTSC DV) or 768 x 576 (PAL). To create a single
resolution for both NTSC and PAL, use 720 x 540.
Crop/Pad for DV scan line difference: Select this option to compensate for the six missing
scan lines in NTSC DV. If you select a 486-line resolution and are importing a 720x480
graphic or animation, your Avid editing application pads the frame out by six lines. If, on the
other hand, you select the DV25 resolution and are importing a full-frame 720x486 graphic
or movie, your Avid editing application crops the top four and bottom two scan lines out of
the image.
Do not resize smaller images: Select this option to import graphic files that have a smaller
size than the full-raster SD or HD frame. You typically use this option for either temporary
web graphics (in either SD or HD) or to bring SD-formatted graphics into an HD project
without blowing them up and losing quality.
Resize image to fit format raster: Select this option to resize both smaller and larger images
to fit the full-raster SD or HD frame. Your Avid editing application maintains the file’s aspect