User Manual

Passthrough Mix Tool
Passthrough Mix Tool
PortServer Settings
Remote Play and Capture Settings
Remote Play and Capture lets you use your Avid editing application like a videotape recorder
(VTR) or edit controller, giving you access to some of the features of an external editing suite
through your Avid editing application interface.
Option Description
Passthrough Mix Tool See “Using the Passthrough Mix Tool” on page 206.
Option Description
Auto-connect to LANshare at Launch Your Avid editing application recognizes LANshare workspaces when
it starts.
Connect/Disconnect Starts or terminates the connection.
Option Description
Mode When Remote Capture is selected, your Avid editing application captures the media being
sent to it immediately without setting up parameters like IN and OUT points. Select this
option when you want to perform a quick capture. This mode is also known as crash record.
Remote Capture supports record and stop with the controller.
When Remote Play is selected, you can control sequences via an edit controller. Remote
Play supports play, cue, and stop.
When Remote Punch-In is selected, you can perform a quick audio punch-in. Remote
Punch-In allows your Avid editing application to record the audio being sent to it
immediately without setting up all parameters, such as OUT points. Remote Punch-In
supports play, cue, record, and stop with an external controller.