User Manual

tools, accessing 760
tracks, adjusting in Audio Mixer tool 798
tracks, soloing 767
transfer options 1505
transferring to Digidesign Pro Tools 1128
using leader to maintain sync 611
voice-over 850, 850
volume, adjusting in Audio Mixer tool 798
volume, adjusting in Timeline 814
waveform plots 773
Audio Data commands (Timeline Fast menu) 773, 814,
Audio effects
rendering order 795
Audio EQ 813
Audio EQ (Equalization)
adjusting while playing 850
removing 845
saving 844
templates 847, 847
Audio EQ command (Tools menu) 760, 838
Audio EQ tool
examples of usage 846
Fast menu options 842
features of 839
opening 838
saving effects with 844
Audio File format
displaying in bins 763, 779
options 1354
Audio file sample size 1354
Audio hardware calibration 208
Audio hardware options
project settings 1354
Audio IN and OUT points
removing 522
Audio input levels
adjusting 1354, 1354
calibrating for audio I/O device 208
calibrating with a tone generator 208
Audio Mark IN button 522
Audio Mark OUT button 522
Audio Meter menu button 777
Audio Mixdown command (Special menu) 835
Audio Mixdown dialog box 835
Audio Mixer command (Tools menu) 760, 797, 798
Audio Mixer tool
adjusting clip gain and pan on a single track 798
adjusting levels by typing values 792
adjusting volume and pan on multiple tracks 798
Clip Gain and Pan mode 797
controls, described 789
Live Mix mode 825
Live Mix mode Fast menu commands 827
opening 789
resizing 792
selecting modes 789
setting default mode 789
showing and hiding sliders 792
sliders for Live Mix mode 827
sliders, for volume automation and pan 817
switching from Live Mix mode to other modes 827
track selection behavior 793
Volume Automation and Pan controls, described
Volume Automation and Pan Fast menu commands
Audio output
calibrating with an external meter 208
Audio output options
project settings 1354
Audio peak levels
checking 212
Audio Project Settings
Dolby E Safe settings 262
Audio Project settings
audio file formats 1354
described 1354
Effects tab 1354
Hardware tab 1354
Main tab 1354
Output tab 1354
saving 1354
Audio Project Settings dialog box 1056
Audio Punch-In tool
described 851
removing extra filler 1354
scenarios for using 853
using a GPI device with 883
Audio Punch-in tool
using 853
audio sample clock 1354
Audio sample rate