User Manual

adjusting for output 1045
Black segment
See Filler
Blank button (Command palette, Other tab) 110
Blue bar
See Position indicator
Blue-only feature 1045
BMP file format
additional export options 1402
import specifications for 1452
Bomb Factory BF76 AudioSuite plug-in 967
Browse button (Select Project dialog box) 58
for projects 58
B-side (incoming frames)
in trims 737, 747
Buffer size
audio, adjusting 787
Burn-in code 1499
Add Alt Key (Command palette, Other tab) 110
Add Control Key (Command palette, Other tab) 110
Add Marker 523, 525, 526
Add Page (Script window) 635
Add Scene (Script window) 635
assigning workspaces to 97
Blank (Command palette, Other tab) 110
Gang 613
Go to Next Marker 531
Go to Previous Marker 531
in the Avid Artist Series controllers 900
mapping 112
Mark Markers 530
Next In Group 1301
Nine Split 1295
Play (Script window) 642
Previous In Group 1301
Quad Split 1295
Set Color (Script window) 645
Set Offscreen (Script window) 644
Slip Left 755
Slip Left 1 Perf 620, 620
Slip Right 755
Slip Right 1 Perf 620, 620
Tail 722
Toggle Source/Record in Timeline 684
Top 722
Transition Corner Display 757
Add Option Key (Command palette, Other tab)
Buttons, user-selectable
Add Edit 723
Add Script Mark 646
Find Script 663
Mark Markers 530
Next In Group 1301
Nine Split 1295
Previous In Group 1301
Quad Split 1295
BWF (Broadcast Wave Format) files
bin columns for 1459
custom information 1459
importing and syncing 1461
reimporting 1461
support for 1459
BY Gain slider
adjusting for video input 214
adjusting for video output 1045
Bypass volume settings 809, 1354
pan settings 811
volume settings 809
Calculator command (Tools menu) 114
Calculator tool 114
Calibrate command (Peak Hold Menu button) 208, 208,
Calibrate Hardware Sliders command (Audio Mixer
Tool Fast menu) 819
global output levels for audio 1054
phase controls 1050
video input 214
video output using test patterns 1048
video output, basic procedures 1045
video output, methods described 1043
audio 208
calibrating audio output 208
Calibration tone
audio output 1053
creating media for 205