User Manual

described 603
preserving contents 603
recovering material from 603
Clipboard Contents command (Clip Name menu) 603
Clipboard Monitor command (Tools menu) 603
See also Master clips
See also Subclips
assigning local colors in the Timeline 676
assigning source colors in bins 341
audio, marking 522
autosyncing 615
batch capturing 241
changing identifying frame 330
changing resolution by transcoding 455
clearing from monitors 505
copying 336, 337
creating group clips 1293
creating multigroup clips 1294
creating multiple resolutions 1247
deleting 337
deleting MultiRez 1283
deleting unreferenced 465
displaying information about 495
displaying source colors in bins 341
duplicating 336
exporting 1014
finding from the Script window 663
finding names 541
finding with Match Frame 546
in-progress, capture overview 236
in-progress, duration of 236
in-progress, editing overview 1168
in-progress, editing workflow 1168
in-progress, limitations 1169
in-progress, sending sequences to playback 1168
linking to script 637
linking to script with ScriptSync 650
loading 1184
loading into monitors 503
locating master clip from subclip 549
locking in a bin 342
marking 520
marking IN and OUT points 518
mixed rate 587
moving 336
playing in a loop 503
playing in Script view 332
playing using buttons 508
rearranging in bin Frame view 330
rearranging in bin Script view 332
relinking by key number 273
remote editing 1219
renaming in Interplay Window 1184
searching for 541
selecting 335
sifting 366
switching between 504
Timeline display colors 672
tracking duration 492
transferring 1240
Close Bin command (File menu) 74
Close Project command (File menu) 58, 71
Closed captioning and Vertical Blanking Interval 1043,
1086, 1444
bins 74
Project window 71
projects 58
the Script window 630
DV25 software 1361
Avid for QuickTime 1024
Avid for use with other applications 1028
copying Avid 1027
DV 1388, 1390
DV25 234
assigning local colors in the Timeline 676
assigning source color in bins 341
changing in interface 90
frame shifts 728
Color bars
adjusting video levels for tapes without 221
in Dupe Detection 724
recording bars and tone 1060
types of 214
Color column
adding to bins 341
Color correction
conforming Symphony Nitris sequences to Media
Composer or Avid Xpress Pro 1122
settings 1371