User Manual

Send To 1008, 1012
Set Bin Display 366
Set Font 92, 632
Sync Selection 616
Tape Lengths 477
View Name (bin) 328
Digi 002 817
configuring 866
Digi 002 controller 117
DigiDelivery, exporting to 1008
exporting to 1008
Digidesign AudioSuite plug-ins
See AudioSuite plug-ins
Digidesign Pro Tools
transferring audio files to 1128
Digital audio
capturing in film projects 194
scrub, compared to smooth audio scrub 768
scrub, described 768
scrub, performing 771
Digital Audio Scrub options (Audio settings) 770
Digital audiotape (DAT)
capturing from 163, 192
Digital bars and tone
preparing 300
Digital Betacam VTR
calibrating input from 212
recording to 1045
Digital cut
cross-conversion and downconversion 1523
HDV 1529
outputting transcoded HDV sequence 1530
universal mastering 1523
Digital Cut command (Output menu) 1065, 1066, 1070
Digital cut delay, DV 1083
Digital Cut tool
24p and 25p output formats 1074, 1074, 1074
deck controller in 1065
selecting decks from 1065
using 1063
Digital cuts
audio-only 1081
custom preroll for 1066
previewing 1065
record options 1066
recording 1063
recording using Local mode 1070
recording using Remote mode
rendering effects for 1062
Digital file names for film frames 363
Digital scale (Audio tool) 204
Digital Scrub Parameters option (Composer settings)
1367, 1367
audio 830
Directory panel
changing fonts 1188
deleting folders in 1184
Directory panel (Interplay Window)
See Media Directory panel
Disabling available resolutions 169
audio pan and gain automation 772
audio waveforms 773
bin column headings 352
changing fonts 1188
column headings (Interplay Window) 1178
marker comments 531
sync breaks 607
take numbers in slates 642
tracking information 490
Displaying 24p and 25p media
during a digital cut 1519
while editing 1519
Displaying film columns 150
Dissolve effects
audio 830
Skip Existing Transition Effects option 830
Dissolve Icons command (Timeline Fast menu) 670
DNA/1394 button
playback to DV device with 514
selecting DV device with 234
selecting output device with 1039
setting video quality with 517
DNxHD Native command (Video Quality menu) 516
DNxHD resolutions
described 1470
specifications 1470
storage requirements 1485
rendering HDV media to 1529
Macintosh, using 36