User Manual

Refresh button, refreshing the Research panel with 1184
Refresh Media Directories command (File menu) 464
Motion Adapter effects 601
Regional keyboard support 1542
files, overview 318
files, procedure 318
Reimporting imported files 313
Relationships for color correction
defining with IN and OUT points 1371
Relink dialog box
in an Interplay environment 1274
by resolution 472
clips by key number 273
consolidated clips 474
dynamic relink 1256
in an Interplay environment 1274
moved projects 475
selected clips 473
Remote assets
See also Interplay Window
accessing assets 1166
automatically checking in to asset manager 1165
Avid assets 1134
capturing to asset manager 1193
checking in all open bins 1162
checking in bin contents 1162
checking in to asset manager 1162
checking out assets by updating 1166
checking out from asset manager 1159
checking out from Interplay database 1162
copying 1174, 1184
deleting 1174
finding 1190
moving 1174, 1184
permissions 1173
reservations 1171, 1172
restrictions 1171, 1173
searching 1190
updating in local bin 1166
using drag-and-drop method to check in 1162
using menu command to check in 1162
Remote Capture 1428
enabling 269
Remote editing
accessing clips 1219
clips 1219
described 1214
logging in 1215
playback limitations 1219
supported project types 1230
syncing sequences 1225
Upload Queue Window 1228
uploading media 1221, 1223
Remote Play
enabling 270
Remote Play and Capture
command (Clip menu) 271
command (Special menu) 269, 270
Device Code option 1428
Inhibit Preloading option 1428
Mode type option 1428
Runup option 1428
setting ports for 1428
Remote Play and Capture settings
described 1428
Remote Sync Sequence 1221
Removable media
saving work on 64
Removable storage, sending to Pro Tools on 1008
Remove Auto Volume/Pan command (Audio Mixer
Tool Fast menu) 819
Remove Automation Pan command (Audio Mixer Tool
Fast menu) 819
Remove Clip Gain command (Audio Mixer Tool Fast
menu) 808
Remove Pan command (Audio Mixer Tool Fast menu)
Remove Pan/Vols command (Audio Mixer Tool Fast
menu) 808
Remove Volume Automation command (Audio Mixer
Tool Fast menu) 819
add edits (match frames) 723
audio EQ effects 845
audio IN and OUT points 522
color indicators (Script window) 645
deck configuration elements 183
off-screen indicators (Script window) 644
text from the Script window 632
bins 73