User Manual

Script box in Script view 332
Script integration
described 626
elements of 626
for video projects 626
holding slates on screen 639
importing a script for 630
in Script window 644
in slates 626
in takes 644
interpolating position for 639
lining conventions in 624
using color indicators 645
using off-screen indicators 644
using script marks 646
workflow 626, 664
Script Mark button 646
Script marks
adding 646
adding during automatic screening 648
deleting 662
described 626
manually placing 646
moving 662
using 646
using for playback 662
using to find script 663
Script range, splicing 665
Script settings
described 1435
using 630
Script Settings dialog box 630
Script text
changing font of 632
cutting, copying, and pasting 632
removing 632
selecting 632
Script view (bin display)
adding text 332
described 332
in the Media tool 444
playing clips in 332
Script window
adding color indicators 645
adding page and scene numbers 635
adding takes 642
adjusting margins 630
adjusting take lines 642
changing fonts 632
changing scene or page numbers 635
cutting, copying, and pasting text in 632
deleting slates 639
deleting takes
displaying clip and sequence information 630
displaying take numbers 642
editing with 664
exploring 630
finding bins from 663
finding clips from 663
hiding slate frames in 639
holding slates on screen in 639
indicating off-screen dialog in 644
interactive screening in 664
linking clips to 637
loading takes from 642
moving slates in 639
opening, closing, and saving 630
playing takes from 642
removing text in 632
resizing slates in 639
screening and marking in 648
searching through 635, 635
selecting slates 639
selecting text 632
splicing a range of script from 665
importing into the Script windows 630
linking clips to 637
linking clips to with ScriptSync 650
revising 664
ScriptSync 650
15-day trial 654
activating 653
linking clips to script with 650
purchasing 653
Scroll bar in Timeline 688
Scroll bar/position bar in Timeline 688
Scroll wheel
mouse, using 37
setting up 37
audio 768
displaying markers during 1436
SDI embedded audio