User Manual

and sample rate conversion 1058
Search results
filtering 572
Search tab (Interplay Window) 1171
Category attribute 1192
Interplay Window 1190
keeping open 1193
performing 1190
remote assets attributes 1192
saving 1193
Text attribute 1192
Time attribute 1192
Types attribute 1192
Searching 569
audio 567
for page and scene numbers in the Script window
in the Script window 635, 635
searching for stock footage clips 1313
searching through the Avid Media Store 1313
Second Row of Buttons option (Composer settings)
1367, 1367
Second Row of Info option (Composer settings) 1367,
Segment Drag Sync Locks option (Timeline settings)
Segment Mode
editing guidelines 693
Segment mode
adding comments 605
deleting segments 702
editing from a bin in 705
four-frame display, described 698
four-frame display, suppressing 699
in the Timeline 705
marking segments 703, 705, 705
Segment Drag Sync Locks option 700
using 680, 693
workflow 680, 693
Segment Mode buttons 694
copying and pasting in Timeline 704
cutting from Timeline 704
deleting in Segment mode 702
lassoing 694
marking 520
marking in Segment mode 703, 705, 705
moving in sync 700
selecting 694
Select All command (Edit menu) 241
Select All Tracks command (Edit menu) 709
Select Media Relatives command (Bin menu) 344
Select Offline Items command (Bin menu) 343
Select Project dialog box 48
Select Sources command (Bin menu) 345, 465
Select Tape dialog box 139
returning to previous 188
Select Unreferenced Clips command (Bin menu) 345
Selected Clips section (Batch Import dialog box) 320
audio file format 200
audio sample rate 199
clips and sequences 335
custom preroll 197
deck configuration settings 179
decks for capturing 187
drives for capturing 195
DV device 234
media drives 167
offline items in bins 343
segments in Timeline 694
settings before capturing 167
slates in the Script window 639
sources in the bin 345
takes in Script window 642
tapes for capturing 188
text in the Script window 632
tracks 709
tracks for capturing 189
tracks, for audio scrub 769
tracks, for audio scrub (soloing) 767
transitions for trimming 740
transitions in Trim mode 740
trim sides 737, 747
unreferenced clips in the bin 345
video resolutions 167
Selecting a language
PhraseFind 567
Send To
DigiDelivery 1008
Digidesign Pro Tools 1008
DVD 1008, 1008
DVD authoring 1008