User Manual

Selecting Settings for Capture
Selecting Settings for Capture
Capture settings include options for capturing, batch capturing, auto capturing, capturing to
multiple media files, DV or HDV scene extraction, and setting key commands. Several settings
directly affect the capturing process. This section includes information on Media Creation
For reference information about all settings in the Capture Settings dialog box, see “Capture
Settings” on page 1361. For information about locating and modifying settings, see “Viewing
and Modifying Settings” on page 1339.You can also view information about settings by clicking
a window or dialog box and pressing the F1 key (Windows) or the Help key (Macintosh).
In the MXF Media Type tab or the OMF Media Type tab of the Capture Settings dialog box,
review the setting for “Maximum (default) capture time.” This setting limits the length of
capture-on-the-fly and capture from an IN point without an OUT point. The default setting is 30
minutes. For more information, see “Capture Settings” on page 1361.
Selecting Video Resolutions and Media Drives
The Media Creation dialog box lets you set the video resolution and select drives for capturing,
creating titles and motion effects, importing, and performing audio, video and data mixdowns.
For detailed resolution specifications, see “Resolution Specifications” on page 1470.
You can also select a video resolution and select drives directly in the Capture tool, the Save Title
dialog box, the Select Files to Import dialog box, the Audio Mixdown dialog box, the Data
Mixdown dialog box and the Video Mixdown dialog box. The Media Creation settings
automatically change to the resolution and drives you select.
To select a video resolution and media drives:
1. Do one of the following:
t Double-click Media Creation in the Settings list.
t Select Tools > Media Creation.
The Media Creation dialog box opens.
2. Click the Media Type tab, and select either OMF or MXF file format.
If your project uses an HD resolution, you cannot select OMF as a file format. MXF is
selected by default.
For more information on the media file formats, see “Using the MXF AMA Plug-In” on
page 425 and “Specifications for Importing OMFI Files” on page 1458.