User Manual

Preparing to Capture Audio
5. Close the Audio Project Settings dialog box.
Selecting the Audio File Format
You create audio files when you:
Record audio tracks in Capture mode.
Create tone media by using the Audio tool.
Mix down audio tracks by using the Audio Mixdown tool.
Import files by using the Import dialog box.
Apply an AudioSuite plug-in that creates new source audio.
You select the file format that your Avid editing application uses when creating audio files by
selecting from the Audio File Format menu in the Audio Project Settings dialog box.
You should be aware of the following:
You can mix AIFF-C and WAVE audio media files within a project.
You should elect AIFF-C or WAVE when you need to transfer media files directly to a Pro
Tools system for audio sweetening. For more information, see “Transferring Audio Files” on
page 1128.
Media Composer has limited support for Sound Designer II
audio. See “Transferring and
Working with Sound Designer II Audio Files from Macintosh Systems” on page 1129.
If you switch the audio format in the middle of a project, all new audio media files are
written in the new format with the following exceptions:
- When your Avid editing application renders audio effects, it uses the file type of the
outgoing (A-side) audio media for a transition. For example, if the A-side of an audio
dissolve is in AIFF-C format and the B-side (incoming) is in WAVE format, the
rendered file is AIFF-C.
- Media files that your Avid editing application copies or creates during a Consolidate
procedure retain their original file types.
To select the audio file format:
1. In the Project window, click the Settings tab.
The Settings list appears.
When needed When this option is set, your Avid editing application automatically
converts incoming audio sample rates to match the project sample rate.
Option Description