User Manual

Capturing and Logging at the Same Time
To autocapture:
1. Create one bin for each tape.
This keeps bins to a manageable size and automatically names all clips from each tape after
the name of their respective bins.
2. Name each bin after the source tape number.
By default, all clips are named after the tape and are numbered incrementally beginning
with .01.
3. Open the bin for the first tape and select Bin > Go To Capture Mode.
4. Select the proper Capture settings and set up the capture tools, as described in “Preparing for
Capture” on page 159.
5. Load the source tape and cue past any false starts.
6. Play the tape, and wait 4 seconds before clicking the Record button.
At the end of the tape, capturing stops and your Avid editing application creates a new clip in
the bin.
You can map the Record button from the Play tab in the Command palette to a key on the
keyboard. This lets you start capturing by pressing a key. The Record button works for either the
Capture tool or the Audio Punch-In tool, depending on which tool is active. For more
information on mapping buttons, see “Understanding Button Mapping” on page 110.
Capturing from a Non-Avid-Controlled Deck
If you have a deck that cannot be controlled directly by the system, you can capture with manual
deck control.
To capture with manual deck control:
1. Select the proper Capture settings and set up the capture tools as described in “Preparing for
Capture” on page 159.
2. Click the Toggle Source button in the Capture tool until the Deck Offline icon appears to
disable the deck controls and leave only the Tape Name display.
3. Click the Timecode Source menu to select the deck.
4. Click the Tape Name display to open the Select Tape dialog box and identify the source tape.