User Manual

Capturing and Logging at the Same Time
You can select the option Show other projects to display the tape names and associated
project names for all bins that were opened in the current session.
Because the media file database does not open when you start your Avid editing application,
tape names of all online media files do not appear automatically.
If the tape name you are searching for does not appear in the Select Tape dialog box, click the
Scan for tapes button to list tape and project names.
5. Provide your Avid editing application with a tape name in one of the following ways:
t Select the name of the tape from the list in the Select Tape dialog box and click OK.
t Click the New button if the tape is not in the list. A New Tape name line appears in the
dialog box. Type the new name and click OK.
The tape name appears in the Capture tool.
6. Play the tape manually and click the Record button to stop and start the capturing of each
You can map the Record button from the Play tab in the Command palette to a key on the
keyboard. This lets you start capturing by pressing a key. The Record button works for either the
Capture tool or the Audio Punch-In tool, depending on which tool is active. For more
information on mapping buttons, see “Understanding Button Mapping” on page 110.
For information about capturing with external timecode, see “Live Capturing with External
Timecode” on page 264.
Capturing with Time-of-Day Timecode
When you capture with an Avid-controlled deck, you can capture your footage with time-of-day
timecode rather than source timecode.
To capture with time-of-day timecode:
1. Select the proper Capture settings and set up the capture tools, as described in “Preparing for
Capture” on page 159.
2. When selecting tracks, deselect the TC button.
3. Capture by using any of the techniques described in “Capturing and Logging at the Same
Time” on page 224.