User Manual

Using Dolby E Media
Add the Dolby E clip to your sequence, and edit the video and audio. Your Avid editing
application maintains synchronization between audio and video as long as you do not
convert or modify the Dolby E clip.
When you finish editing, output the sequence. The Dolby E track preserves the encoded data
and can be restored to the original multichannel audio.
If editing the sequence modifies your audio settings in a way that prevents the Dolby E
information from being preserved, you cannot output or mix down your sequence with the
original Dolby E metadata. You should reset your Audio Project settings before you output your
sequence by an export operation or by using the Digital Cut tool, or if you mix down your
If you are working in a film project, you cannot use pulldown settings when you capture
your media if you want to use Dolby E material. Avid does not support capturing Dolby E
media with audio pulldown because pulldown interferes with the preservation of Dolby E
Selecting Dolby E Safe Settings
You can automatically set your Avid editing system to protect Dolby E information during
capture. Selecting Dolby E safe settings changes the following options in the Audio Project
Settings dialog box and the Passthrough Mix tool:
When you output your sequence either by selecting an export operation or by using the Digital
Cut tool, or when you mix down the sequence, you must reset your Audio Project settings if a
change in your sequence prevents the safe output of Dolby E information.
Location Option Setting
Audio Project Settings (Main tab) Sample Rate 48 kHz
Audio Project Settings (Main tab) Bit Depth 24 bit
Audio Project Settings (Main tab) Convert Sample Rates When Playing Never
Audio Project Settings (Input tab) Input Gain Slider 0 dB (unity gain)
Audio Project Settings (Input tab) Sample Rate Conversion Never
Audio Project Settings (Input tab) Output Sync During Passthrough Same as Audio In
Audio Project Settings (Output tab) Mix Mode Selection Direct Out
Passthrough Mix tool Input Mix Mode Direct Out
Passthrough Mix tool Input Gain Slider 0 dB (unity gain)