User Manual

Capturing to the Timeline
3. Load a sequence into the Record monitor.
4. (Option) Patch tracks you are capturing (source tracks) to the tracks in your sequence
(record tracks):
a. In the Capture tool, click and hold the Track Selector button for the track (video, data, or
audio) you want to patch.
There is only one data track to select, you cannot patch a data track to any other track.
b. From the menu, select the track to which you want to patch the captured footage.
Track Selector button and menu in the Capture tool (left), and result displayed in the Timeline (right)
5. Mark an IN point in the sequence or move the position indicator to where you want the edit
to take place.
6. Mark the source material you want to capture by using the Capture tool logging controls.
For more information, see “Logging with Avid-Controlled Decks” on page 139.
7. (Option) Mark an OUT point based on the following:
t If you are recording to the middle of a sequence in the Timeline, mark both IN and OUT
points for frame accuracy.
t If you are recording to the end of a sequence, you can mark just an IN point and then
mark the OUT point later on-the-fly.
8. Click the yellow Splice-in button or the red Overwrite button in the Capture tool to select the
type of edit.
Record button (left) and Splice-in and Overwrite buttons (right) in the Capture tool
9. Click the Record button to begin recording.