User Manual

Relinking Clips by Key Number
Remote Punch-In does not use preroll or postroll settings, and it does not initiate a loop
playback or audition playback prior to recording. Remote Punch-In begins recording audio
to the selected channels as soon as you start the record operation.
Relinking Clips by Key Number
The film-tape-film-tape (FTFT) relinking feature lets you re-create an offline, film-originated
sequence as a final finished sequence by using the key numbers of the original film footage.
During the offline stage, you capture and edit footage that was transferred to tape through a
one-light or best-light telecine transfer (the first FT). During the finishing stage, you batch
capture, relink by key number, and edit footage that was transferred through a second timed,
color-corrected telecine transfer (the second FT).
Alternatively, if you are finishing a sequence in an online suite and need only an EDL, you do
not need to batch capture the footage. Just import the new shot log, relink to the offline items,
and then create the EDL.
Relinking by key number eliminates the need for the telecine transfer facility to match the
timecode and pulldown of the second transfer to the timecode of the first transfer.
For more information about relinking, see “Relinking Media Files” on page 467.
Duplicate your sequence before relinking. If you relink to the original sequence, you will
lose your links to the original media.
To relink clips by key number:
1. After you finish editing the offline sequence, use the FilmScribe
application to create a pull
list of the clips used in the sequence.
For information on using FilmScribe, see the FilmScribe documentation.
2. Have the telecine facility use the pull list to pull selects from the original negative and to
transfer picture-only footage by using a timed, color-corrected telecine process.
You do not need to transfer audio again. The telecine facility supplies a new shot log file
along with the transfer tape.
3. In your original project, create a new bin.
4. Duplicate the edited offline sequence and move it to the new bin.
At this point, the duplicate sequence still links to the original media.
5. Process the new log file through ALE and import it into the bin that holds the duplicated
For more information, see “Using Avid Log Exchange to Prepare Log Files for Import” on
page 118 and “Setting the Pulldown Phase” on page 149.