User Manual

DV and HDV Scene Extraction
To modify the clip information after you determine the pullin frame:
1. In a bin, select the clip you want to modify and press the Delete key.
The Delete dialog box opens.
2. Deselect the option “Delete master clip(s)” and select “Delete associated media file(s).
3. (Windows only) Select the resolutions to delete.
4. Click OK.
Your Avid editing application deletes the original media file.
5. Make sure the clip is still selected. Press Ctrl+Shift and choose Unlink from the Clip menu.
The clip information is unlinked and you can modify it.
6. Type the correct letter for the pulldown phase in the Pullin column. If necessary, type a new
timecode and key number.
For multiple clips, you can use the Modify command or the Modify Pulldown Phase
command. See “Modifying the Pulldown Phase Before Capturing” on page 154.
7. With the new clip information in the bin, batch capture the clip.
See “Batch Capturing Clips” on page 241.
If the pulldown phase is accurate, the clip should play smoothly, with no repeated frames.
This method might not work for some clips that start with either an A frame or a D frame. If
the clip still stutters after you modify it, modify the clip again. This time, if the pullin is A,
change it to D. If the pullin is D, change it to A.
DV and HDV Scene Extraction
While you are capturing DV or HDV footage, the DV and HDV Scene Extraction feature lets you
generate subclips and markers automatically, based on time-of-day (TOD) information contained
in the DV or HDV format.
Discontinuities in the DV or HDV TOD metadata indicate each new take in a master clip or
subclip shot on a DV or HDV camera. Using this feature, you can capture an entire DV or HDV
tape as a single master clip and have your Avid editing application automatically locate all the
takes for you, eliminating the need to log manually.
You can perform a DV Scene Extraction in two ways and an HDV Scene Extraction one way:
Set up the DV or HDV Scene Extraction option before capturing. When capturing is
performed, subclips and marker marks appear in the bin.
Perform DV Scene Extraction after capturing. Select those clips in the bin for which you
want to generate subclips and marker marks