User Manual

Using the Panasonic VariCam
6. Select one of the following options:
7. If you have chosen to create subclips, select the bin where you want these subclips stored.
8. (Option) To cancel the process, press Ctrl+period (Windows) or Command+period
9. Click OK.
In the bin, your Avid editing application creates subclips with the same source clip name and
the file name extension .sub.01 where TOD information breaks occurred. Marker marks
appear in the master clip where TOD information breaks occurred.
If you select a DVCPRO, a non-DV, or an audio-only clip, an error message appears,
informing you that you selected an incompatible clip. Your Avid editing application
bypasses these clips during the DV Scene Extraction process.
Using the Panasonic VariCam
The Panasonic VariCam
(Panasonic AJ-HD1200A) allows the recording of frame rates between
1fps and 60fps. For example, material captured at 24 frames per second and played back at 24
frames per second has no speed change, but the same action captured at 48 frames per second
and played back at 24 frames per second runs at 50% speed (slow motion).
The 720p format is always recording to a progressive 60 (59.94) frame tape format. The camera
achieves the different frame rates by flagging the “true” frames within the 60 frame sequence.
Your Avid editing application detects these flags and captures and stores only these frames.
When the material plays back at the project’s frame rate, the result is either slow or fast motion.
If you capture audio, it will be out of sync.
To use the VariCam camera with your Avid editing application:
1. Connect the VariCam camera through a 1394 (FireWire) port on your computer.
2. Select a 720p project format.
3. Either select or deselect “Preserve VariCam Frames” in the Capture tool:
Option Description
Add Markers Creates marker marks where the TOD information breaks occur
while capturing.
Create Subclips Creates subclips where the TOD information breaks occur while capturing.
Both Creates subclips and marker marks where the TOD information breaks occur
while capturing.