User Manual

Setting Sample Rate Conversion Options Before Importing Audio Files
Setting Sample Rate Conversion Options Before
Importing Audio Files
When you import audio files, you can choose to convert the sample rate of the source audio files
to the project sample rate or to import the files at the source sample rate. For more information
about converting sample rates when importing audio files, see “Sample Rate Conversion and
Audio Import” on page 293.
To set sample rate conversion options:
1. In the Project window, click the Settings tab.
2. Double-click Import.
3. Click the Audio tab, and then select the following options, as appropriate:
If you skip the conversion of files with pullup and pulldown sample rates on import, the length
and pitch of the imported files are changed by plus or minus .1%. If you do convert these files,
length and duration do not change for the imported audio files.
4. Click OK.
When the files import and appear in the bin, any converted sample rates display in the bin for
the imported files. If you do not convert audio files with pullup or pulldown sample rates,
these audio files display in your bin with the sample rate closest to the source sample rate.
For example, a file with a 48048 sample rate displays in your bin after import with a 48000
sample rate, regardless of the project sample rate.
Option Description
Convert source
sample rate to
project sample rate
Selecting this option converts all source audio files to the sample rate of
your project. Deselecting this option imports all files at the source sample
rate. The default is to convert sample rates on import.
Do not convert
sources with pullup
and pulldown rates
If you choose to convert the sample rates of your source audio files,
selecting this option lets you skip the conversion of audio files with pullup
or pulldown sample rates while converting all other files to the project
sample rate. Deselecting this option converts all files to the project sample
rate. The default is not to convert pullup and pulldown sample rates on