User Manual

Photoshop Graphics Import
To import a multilayered Photoshop file:
1. Prepare the Photoshop graphic for import.
For more information, see “Support for Multilayered Photoshop Graphics Import” on
page 297.
2. Follow the standard instructions for importing a graphic, as described in “Importing Media
Files” on page 285. To create the matte correctly, you need to click the Options button and
select Alpha: Invert Existing.
3. After you select one or more files and click Open, a message box opens.
4. In the message box, do one of the following:
t Click Sequence of Layers if you want to preserve all layers. If the number of layers
exceeds the number of tracks supported, your Avid editing application creates a
sequence that contains the number of tracks supported. Additional layers are imported
into the bin, but not as tracks in a sequence. This selection applies to all files you select
for import.
t Click Flattened Image if you want to import the graphic as a single matte key or clip.
Your Avid editing application flattens the file by combining the layers. This selection
applies to all files you selected for import.
Hidden layers are not combined in the flattened image. Make sure all layers you want in
the final image are visible. In addition, layers with partial transparency do not display
properly in the flattened, imported image.
t Click Select Layers if you want to select which layers to preserve.
The Select Layers dialog box opens. Select the layers you want to import and click OK. If
you select more than 24 layers, your Avid editing application imports the additional layers
but does not include them in the sequence.
Your Avid editing application displays messages as it creates media for each layer. At the
end of the process, the selected bin displays the objects.
To preserve layer effects:
1. For the first import, click Select Layers and select all layers except the layers that contain
layer effects.
2. For the second import, open Photoshop, hide the layers you’ve already imported, and show
the layers that contain layer effects. During the import, click Flattened Image.
The resulting image contains only the layers that contain layer effects.