User Manual

Digital Bars and Tone
Digital Bars and Tone
If you expect to output your final sequence as a digital cut that requires calibration before
playback (a digital cut that will be broadcast, for example), in most cases you might need a clip
of color bars. You can add the clip to the front of the sequence, or you can output the clip
separately as an assemble or insert edit onto tape during digital cut.
There are several ways to acquire a clip of bars, each with different advantages:
Importing Color Bars and Other Test Patterns
Avid editing applications supply files for color bars and other test patterns. You can import 8-bit
PICT files or 16-bit TIFF files.
To import a test pattern from a file:
1. Open an existing bin, or create a new one for the test pattern.
2. Select the destination bin.
3. Select File > Import.
The Select Files to Import dialog box opens.
4. Do one of the following:
- (Windows) Click the Files of Type menu, and select Graphic Files.
Acquisition Method Description
Record bars and tone
from a house generator
Requires the least effort with good results because you record
high-quality bars and tone simultaneously, with a minimum of calibration.
Record bars and tone
from a videotape
Lets you record bars and tone simultaneously, but you must calibrate
carefully to ensure accuracy. In addition, the final clip reflects the quality
of the source tape recording.
Record bars from an
external color bar
Provides good results, but you must have a color bar generator, and you
must rearrange your system inputs to attach the generator. In addition, you
must acquire tone separately and sync it with bars within your Avid
editing application.
Import a file of bars Provides the highest quality results because the source image is already
digital. If the file is accurate, the quality of the clip is ensured. You must,
however, acquire tone separately and sync it with bars within your Avid
editing application. For more information, see “Importing Color Bars and
Other Test Patterns” on page 300.