User Manual

Bin Views
If you want to sort clips in a customized order in Text view, you must first rearrange the clips in
Script view, and then return to Text view. For information about Script view, see “Duplicating,
Copying, and Moving Clips and Sequences” on page 336.
Sorting Clips and Sequences
You can automatically sort clips and sequences in Text view. If you need to view sorted clips in
Script or Frame view, sort them in Text view first and then return to Script or Frame view.
To sort clips in ascending or descending order:
1. With a bin in Text view, do one of the following:
t Double-click the heading of the column that you want to use as the criterion.
t Right-click the column heading and select Sort on Column, Ascending or Sort on
Column, Descending.
If the Sort command appears dimmed in the menu, you have not selected a column.
2. To reverse the order of the sort, do one of the following:
t Double-click the column heading again.
t Right-click the column heading and select the reverse order for the Sort on Column
To reapply the last sort, do one of the following:
t Select Bin > Sort Again with no column selected.
This step is useful after you add new clips to a sorted bin.
t Click the column heading and select Bin > Sort.
To perform a multilevel sort using the information in the bins:
1. With a bin in Text view, arrange the columns in the bin to establish the primary column.
The column that appears farthest to the left in the bin has higher sort priority.
2. Select the headings for the columns you want to contribute to the sort criterion. Cmd+click
(Macintosh) or Ctrl+click (Windows) columns to add them to your selection. You can also
Shift+click headings to select a range of columns.
3. Select Bin > Sort.
The objects in the bin sort.
To sort clips by color:
1. Click the Color column heading in the bin.
2. Do one of the following: