User Manual

Setting the Bin Display
Setting the Bin Display
By default, your bins display all existing media objects except source clips and rendered effects.
To reduce crowding in the bin and to display only those objects that you need to organize your
project, you can display selected media objects.
You can also display bins as tabs in a common bin window. For more information, see “Using
Bin Tabs” on page 334.
You can use the Set Bin Display option to display clips referenced by a sequence, even if the
clips were not previously in the bin.
To set the bin display:
1. Place a sequence in a new bin and click the bin.
2. Select Bin > Set Bin Display.
The Set Bin Display dialog box opens.
3. Select the object types that you want to see: master clips, subclips, sequences..
For information on the icons used to represent the different object types, see “Object Icons in
Bins” on page 323.
4. (Option) Accept the default or deselect “Show clips created by user” if you want to hide all
objects except those created by the system.
5. (Option) Select “Show reference clips” to automatically display objects that are referenced
by sequences in the bin, whether those clips were previously in the bin or not.
6. Click OK.
The bin displays objects according to your specifications.
Sifting Clips and Sequences
When you sift clips and sequences, the bin displays only those clips and sequences that meet a
specific set of criteria. For example, you can do a custom sift to display only those clips
containing the word “close-up” in the heading column. The Custom Sift dialog box provides six
levels of criteria.
You can also sift on a timecode (or keycode) number within a specific range. For more
information, see “Sifting Timecodes or Keycode Ranges” on page 371.
To sift clips or sequences:
1. Select Bin > Custom Sift.
The Custom Sift dialog box opens.