User Manual

Sifting Clips and Sequences
Example of a bin after a custom sift by timecode. The detail of the Custom Sift dialog box (top) shows the query
used for sifting, and the bin (bottom) shows only those clips that encompass the timecode number entered.
Some column pairs explicitly define a range, for example, Start and End or Mark IN and Mark
OUT. Other columns define the beginning of a range, and the end of the range is determined by
the Duration column. For example, Auxiliary TC1 implies a range that begins at the value in the
Auxiliary TC1 column and ends at that value plus the value in the Duration column.
If you display any column in the bin that is associated with ranges, either explicit or implicit, the
corresponding range menu item appears in the Column or Range to Search menu in the Custom
Sift dialog box. For example, if you choose to display the Start column and the Auxiliary TC1
column in the bin, the Start to End Range and Auxiliary TC1 Range menu choices appear in the
Column or Range to Search menu.
When you specify a timecode or keycode number, you do not need to enter colons or semicolons,
and you can omit the leading zero. For example, you can type 3172000 as a timecode number.